List of Parts of Face in Arabic, English and Urdu for Arabic learners. Learn Parts of body in Arabic and English with translation in Roman Arabic with PDF. This vocabulary help people learn Arabic, English and Urdu at the same time. Arabic vocabulary for beginners in English with Urdu translation. Vocabulary is the first step of learning any language and it goes from basic to advance level. This blog is mainly focusing on the very basics of Arabic Vocabulary. Learn and enjoy.
شَفَۃٌ | Lip | ہونٹ |
الشَّفَۃُ الْعُلْیَا | Upper lip | اوپر والا ہوںٹ |
اَلشَّفَۃُ السُّفْلیٰ | Lower lip | نیچے والا ہونٹ |
اَلسِّنُّ | Tooth | دانت |
ضِرْسٌ | Molar | داڑھ |
ضِرْسُ العَقْلِ | Wisdom tooth | عقل داڑھ |
خَدٌّ | Cheek | گال / رخسار |
ذَقْنٌ | Chin | ٹھوڑٰی |
شَعْرٌ | Hair | بال |
اُذُنٌ | Ear | کان |
شَحْمَۃُ الاُذُنِ | Earlobe | کان کی لو |
عَینٌ | Eye | آنکھ |
اَجْفَانٌ | Eyelashes | پلکیں |
حَاجِبَینِ | Eyebrows | بھنویں |
رَمْشٌ | Eyelid | آنکھ کا پپوٹا |
مُقلَۃٌ | Eyeball | آنکھ کا ڈٰیلا |
حَدَقَۃٌ | Iris | آنکھ کی پتلی |
نَاصِیَۃٌ | Forehead | پیشانی / ماتھا |
اَنْفٌ | Nose | ناک |
مَنْخَرٌ | Nostril | نتھنا |
لِثَۃٌ | Gums | مسوڑے |
اَلصُّدْغٌ | Temple | کنپٹی |
فَکٌّ | Jaw | جبڑا |
شَارِبٌ | Mustaches | مونچھیں |
لِحْیَۃٌ | Beard | داڑھی |
الشامۃُ | Mole | تل |
وَجْہٌ ۔ فَمٌ | Mouth | چہرا |
حُلقُومٌ | Throat | گلا |
لَوزَۃُ الحَلْقِ | Tonsils | غدود |
حَنْکٌ | Palate | تالو |
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Parts of Face in Arabic, English and Urdu
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