Introduction Dialogue in Arabic and English. Dialogue of Introduction in Arabic and English . Arabic and English learning made easy though this Dialogue. This lesson will tell you how to introduce yourself, as well as simple phrases. In this lesson u will learn how people introduce themselves.
What is your name? | ما اسمک؟ | (Maa ismuka) |
My name is Ahmed. | اسمی احمد | (Ismee Ahmad)
What is your father’s name? | مااسم والدک؟ | (Maa ismu walidika) |
My father’s name is Rashid. | اسم والدی راشد۔ | (Ismu walidee Rashid) |
Where do you live? | این تسکن؟ | (Aina taskun?) |
I live in Lahore. | اسکن فی لاہور۔ | (Uskunu fee Lahore) |
What is your address? | ماھو عنوانک؟ | (Maa hua unwanuka?) |
What is your age? | کم عمرک؟ | (Kam umruka?) |
My age is twenty years. | عمری عشرون سنہ۔ | (Umree ishroona sanah) |
What is your nationality? | ما ھی جنسیتک؟ | (maa hiya jinsiyyatuka?) |
I am Pakistani. | انا باکستانی۔ | (Ana bakistani) |
What is your occupation? | ما ھی مھنتک؟ | (maa hiya mihatuka?) |
I am a student. | انا تلمیذ۔ | (Ana tilmeez) |
For how long you have been here? | منذ متی انت ھنا؟ | (Munz mata anta hina?) |
I have been here for a week. | انا ھنا منذ اسبوع۔ | (Ana hina munzu usboo’in) |
Is this your first visit? | ھل ھذہ اول زیارت لک۔؟ | (Hal haza awwalu ziyarati lak?) |
No, I came last year also | لا اتیت فی السنۃ الماضی ایضا۔
(La , uteetu fis sanatil maziyati aidhan) |
Are you enjoying yourself? | ھل انت مسبوط ھنا؟ | (Hal anta masbootun hina?) |
Yes, I like this city very much. | نعم ھذہ المدینۃ تعجبنی جدا۔ | (Na’am hazihil madinatu tu’jibnee jiddan) |
Are you alone? | ھل انت لوحدک؟ | (Hal anta liwahdik?) |
No I am with my wife. | لا انا مع زوجتی | (Laa ana ma’a zowjatee) |
From where have you come? | من این انت؟ | (Min aina ant?) |
I am from Lahore. | اتیت من لاہور | (Ateetu min Lahore) |
Why have you come here? | لما ذا اتیت ھنا؟ | (Limaza ateetu hina?) |
I am here for some work. | اتیت ھنا لشغل | (Ateetu hina lishughl) |
Do you know me? | ھل تعرفنی؟ | (Hal ta’rifnee?) |
Yes, I know you. | نعم انا اعرفک | (Na’am ana a’rifuk) |
Do you remember my name? | ھل تتذکر اسمی؟ | (Hal tatazakkaru ismee?) |
I think your name is Ali. | اظن ان اسمک علی۔ | (Azunnu anna isamak Ali) |
How is your new flat? | کیف شقتک الجدید؟ | (Kaif shaqqatukal jadeed?) |
It is a reasonably good flat. | ھذہ شقۃ مناسبۃ | (Hazihi shaqqatun munasibatun) |
On which floor do you live? | فی ای طابق تسکن؟ | (Fee aye taabiqi taskun?) |
I live on the second floor. | اسکن فی الطابق الثانی۔ | (Aaskunu fittabiqi thane) |
Are you married? | ھل انت متزوج؟ | (Hal anta mutazawwij?) |
Yes I am married. | نعم انا متزوج۔ | (Na’am ana mutazawwij) |
Do you have children? | ھل عندک اولاد؟ | (Hal indaka awladun?) |
Yes I have three children. | نعم عندی ثلاثۃ اولاد | (Na’am indi thalathatu awlaadin) |
What is the age of the eldest child? | کم عمر الوالد الاکبر؟ | (Kam umrul walidil akbar?) |
He is ten years old. | عمرہ عشر سنوات۔ | (Umruhu ashru sanawatin) |
What is the age of youngest child? | کم عمر الوالد الاصغر؟ | (Kam umrul walidil asghar) |
He is four years old. | عمرہ اربع سنوات | (Umrhu arba’u sanawatin) |
What is the daughter’s age? | کم عمر البنت؟ | (Kam umrul bintu?) |
She is seven years old. | عمرھا سبع سنوات | (Umruha sab’u sanawatin) |
Where do your children study? | این یدرس اولادک؟ | (Aina yadruss awladuk?) |
They study in an Islamic school. | انھم یدرسون فی مدرسۃ السلامیۃ | (Innahum yadrusoona fil madrasatil islamiyati) |
Where do your children play? | این یلعب اولادک؟ | (Aina yalabu awladuk?) |
I don’t like that children play in the street. | ان الا احب این یلعب الاولاد فی الشارع | (Ana laa uhibbu ayyalab awladuk fishhari’) |
There is too much traffic in the street. | ھناک حرکۃ شدید للمسرورفی الشارع | (Hunak harakatun shadeedatun lilmasroori fishhari’) |
This is a dangerous thing. | ھذا امر خطر | (Haza amrun khateerun) |
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