English has a large vocabulary with an estimated 250,000 distinct words and three times that many distinct meanings of words. However, most English teachers will tell you that mastering the 3000 most common words in English will give you 90 to 95% comprehension of English newspapers, books, movies, and conversations. Vocabulary helps you learn new words, play games that improve your vocabulary, and explore language. Learn new words and improve your vocabulary so that you will be able to communicate well in English. Choose your level and do the exercises to help you learn Vocabulary. Learning English vocabulary is a basic and very important part of learning the language. Learning a new vocabulary word means more than just understanding what the word means. To really learn new English words, you must understand them and be able to use the words correctly when you speak or write.
Advanced English Words
- Aberration: deviation; abnormality
- Abstruse: Difficult to comprehend
- Acumen: sharpness of mind
- Adroit: skill-ful (Maladroit = clumsy)
- Adulation: worship; great praise
- Advocate: support
- Affability: friendliness; cordiality
- Affinity: kinship
- Affluence: wealth; Opulence
- Agnostic: unsure of the existence of god
- Alacrity: speed & eagerness; promptness
- Alleviate: make less serve; reduce
- Altruism: self-sacrifice
- Amalgam: mixture
- Amassed: accumulated
- Ambiguous: vague; doubtful; equivocal
- Ameliorate: make better; improve
- Amiable: friendly; lovable
- Anachronistic: out of normal time range
- Animosity: hostility; hatred; ill-will
- Apathetic: lacking energy or interest; indifference
- Arable: can be cultivated; fit for pillowing (example: arable land)
- Arbitration: mediating between disputing sides
- Arboreal: living in trees (Root — Arbor always relates to trees)
- Arcane: esoteric; obscure; known only to few people
- Archaic: old-fashioned
- Articulation: joining; speaking clearly; distinct
- Ascertain: find out; make sure
- Astute: wise; mentally sharp
- Augment: increase in size or number
- Aural: through the sense of hearing
- Autocrat: absolute ruler;
- Barrage: bombardment; stream (of abuse etc.); continuous attack
- Belabor: over-emphasizing
- Belied: contradicted
- Belittlers: People who criticize/disparage
- Benevolent: kindly; charitable
- Boorishness: rudeness; ill-mannered behavior
- Bountiful: generous
- Brevity: briefness
- Bypass: avoid; find a way around
- Byzantine: excessive; decadent
- Cacophony: noise; din
- Callous: cruel & unfeeling
- Candid: truthful; straight forward; free from prejudice
- Capricious: whimsical; changeable
- Censure: criticize; blame
- Cerebral: concerned with thinking
- Circumstantial: accidental; indirect
- Insightful: perceptive; can be understood
- Insipid: flavorless; bland
- Insolence: lack of respect; rudeness; impudence
- Insolvent: bankrupt
- Insufferable: can not be tolerated
- Insular: narrow-minded
- Insurrectionist: rebel; combative
- Integrity: honor; honesty
- Intemperate: not moderate; excessive
- Intermittent: on & off; not continuous;
- spasmodic Intonation: tone of voice
- intrigued: interested and curious
- Intuition: sixth sense; gut feeling
- Invocation: prayer
- Irony: something unexpected; words to convey opposite meaning
- Irreproachable: can not be criticized; blameless (Reproach = critize)
- Irresolute: lacking firmness of purpose; hesitant
- Irreverence: lack of respect
- Jaded: tired; bored
- Jeopardize: put at risk; endanger
- Judicious: fair; wise
- Juxtaposition: placing two things next to each other
- Knack: trick; skill
- Lackadaisical: lazy; careless; lax
- Lamentable: regrettable
- Languid: Lacking energy; weak
- Lavish: to spend freely(v); costing alot; opulent(adj)
- Legitimate: to make legal; give approval to
- Libelous: open to prosecution for libel (libel = written slander)
- Lithe: flexible; supple
- Litigious: seeking legal remedies
- Lobby: to try to persuade; entrance hall
- Lucid: clear; explained
- Magnanimous: generous minded; big-hearted
- Mandate: permission
- Mandatory: compulsory
- Manifesto: statement of values
- Manipulative: deceptive; skill-ful at handling people
- Marred: spoiled; ruined
- Meager: small; scanty; unimportant
- Mercenary: seeking money above all else; interested in money and gain
- Meticulous: thorough; taking care of details
- Miffed: annoyed; vex
- Mitigate: moderate; reduce intensity
- Modicum: tiny amount
- Momentous: of great importance
- Monotonous: dull; repetitive
- Morbidity: concern with death and disease
- Motley: varied; miscellaneous
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